Lights delivery was supposed to be yesterday 4-6pm. But he wants them to come at a specific time in order not to waste 2hrs just "WAITING". So... He called up and asked them " 4 to 6pm, so what time will that be?" Stupid salesman says that it will be most likely in between that hour so its 5. Thinking he can make use of his time and come fetch me from work, he asked for delivery to come at 6instead.
Salesman: " Cannot lah delivery man knock off at 6 one"
Hus : "Ok, then wat time , pls be specific"
SM : " 5.15 to 5.45pm"
H : "Then come at 6pm lah, I got appt to rush , whats the difference of 15mins?"
SM: " I will make it earlier and not later than 5.45pm" with super guai lan attitude.
H: " I dont get it, I also have delivery man under my care, so whats the big deal of asking him to come later at 6pm?!!"
SM : " Then why not u come and collect tmr?"
H: " If its tmr right, I will go down tmr to your shop and ask for monie back in full, dont argue so much and bargin for time, I am your customer, I want wat time means wat time" and hangs up.
In the end.........Hus didnt pick me up....
The delivery was made at 6.10pm . FAINT.
Hus called up and quarrel for another round.
H: "hello.. now is 6.10pm liao , where is yr man? i asked for 6pm you said cant be arrange and now at 6.10pm yr delivery isnt here, isnt it the same time which i asked for at the very beginning"
SM : "wait wait i called my man"
SM: "he is right down your block alrdy"
H : Slam the call.
Poor delivery man carrys bunches of light from 11th floor to 9th.. and after delivery, he wants the remaining balance of $40 to be paid.
Deliveryman: " Done. So left $40 balance"
H : " Right now, you see these lights right? and invoice has indication right?.. match my items before I pay."
DM: "huh.. i am a deliveryman leh, i no-no one."
H: "Dont know? Can. Then ask someone to come which know how to stock take and I will pay for this remaining $40."
DM: " cannot lah boss , cannot"
H: " called yr boss to tell him, otherwise u can go now"
DM : In dilemma, called upon the same SM and passed the phone to hus
SM: " Hello boss, yr $ 40 stil haven pay and my man really dont know how to match items againt invoice"
Hus : " Then ask someone to come and match for me otherwise if missing an item how i know after i paid?"
SM: " Hai ya, then i wil ask another man to do the delivery tmr mng, i will collect these back"
Hus: " Take lor"
Phone was passed to DM and SM asked him to collect lights back and do it by another one tmr.
DM so reluntant and complained to SM, ended up lights are remain in love nest. And he left without collecting balances.
Super drama....
Anyway, we both have come to a conclusion that $ 40 will not be paid to them. DON'T CARE.
Okay.. cut away from stupid story. Here little update again.
Kitchen done. Grey greys.. look like cement from this point. Feela kind of dark man. Shouldnt go for this colour...Kitchen so dark.. makes it like dirty dirty.. should have done for creamy colours.
Common Bathroom

Common bathroom also grey....I think for toilet it is wiser to opt for dark one..otherwise it is so hard to maintain but to wash it weekly to keep it clean. I just scrubbed my current stay-in hse. It is really a pain for me to bend down and scrub the tiles. My back aches like siao due to the weight I am carrying my little one. It is no joke for pregnancy lady to do chores. SO. SPARE ME PLEASE.
Doors for all 3 bedroomz

My new doors installed. FOC from ID. Cannot complain much coz its free. Unless gonna top up to solid doors. Which cost us $ 100 - $ 150 each and that will be $ 300-450 top up for all the rooms. Erm... think I still chose FOC ones to be on the cost saving side. Its painted to dark brown colour, I think actually should remain white or grey in order not to look orbi.. too bad.. painted liaoz. Hope it is not that bad lah...
Living Room

Here's living room. Tiles after chemical washed once. so far so good. Dont know about workmanship yet. So two besties are assigned to help me inspect. They will definitely do a great job with that magnifying glasses around. =) and besides , over a decade of frens.. they will know what kind of things I will pick on. Hee.
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