Thought that this is a very good way to reflect happy things that happens daily. I wanna note it down too. Hmm... I wonder why has to be "8" ? Cant it be more? Hee...
And anyway its great to have m0Re ~
Heres mine.
For eight days you have to post something that made you happy that day.
*Having a good hair day - Felt pretty right in the morning!
*Confirmation to have CARLY SIGNATURE - ETA next week
*Expecting some so-called 'gifts' which i dont noe what is it - Its a gift aniw
* Gotten Neutrogen Pore Refining Gel Mask at slashing price
*Confirmation of entitlement AWS this Dec - Hee was expecting no-have due to economy downturn
* I am able to get full claim of $150 on my contact lens - 6mths supply
* Manage to have 50% G2000 - I WANT TO GET THAT SHIRT~
* Steady and painless evening run of 5km last nite =)