Last Friday, as mentioned went for a BIG poly-gatherings. About 14pax of us turned up.14 may nt be big number but personally ifeel that it is the efforts of forteen that counts and refreshed the memories of good old days in Poly.Most of my buddies are married. Brought their spouses together. In a split sec, I felt I am old.
= ( Just a blink of an eye, everyone has a love nest of their own.Well, I still like the freedom of not getting married and have many things in mind to strive for.
Hence, Life is a wonderful journey. We all should enjoy and treasure every moment.
Anyway, went to Shokudo last Friday. Reviews seems good on this place and I can tell u, it is R-E-A-L-L-Y flooded with ppl, can u imagined that we Q like 1hr 30mins to eat
Well, it is Marche kinda place but in Japanese style.
Pics explains everything.

Shokudo Food bazaar!

We ordered this "Salmon Omelette" It turned out to be very delicious lor - Must try!!
Unagi Fried Rice - See the Unagi piece? So pathetic.. merely one bite and it is gone! Nice lah but can try other dishes instead of this.

Green Tea Ice-cream & Red Bean Crepe - Slurp slurp ! Very nice!
There is this Chocolate & banana crepe as well. The outlook abit looks like shit on the crepe but the taste is damn awesome than the one I had. Hence, dont judge by the slimy ingredients on top. Must eat too!
Bing Yao, Me & Adrian
Fei, Me & William aka Uncle
Me & James ( Ever best buddy in Poly) we are highly 99.99% times alwz together.You see him, you will see me.Hee!

Ferry, Me and his gf
I really gonna miss Ferry and he will be away for good to further pursue his studies on Fashion Designs... All the best to him and lets await for a famous fashion designer to be back!!!